Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What was daily life like in medieval times?

Daily life in medieval times was a very routine life style and most people who lived during that time were just farmers. Farmers only work was really just growing enough food for his family to live of for the year. There was a calendar used in medieval times called the agrarian and everyone fallowed that for scheduling. There wasn’t much that went on in a village and citizens rarely celebrated, but on one occasion they did, weddings!                   
   There were not many social events but when there was they were very important to the people of a village. Once castles had started to get popular the villages were dominated by castles. Hospitals had gotten very popular and one of the things that happened was medical schools had begun to be constructed and finished.

How were castles made?

You have to remember castles would have had to been able to withstand attack because as almost every post states they were in fact the center of defense for a town or city. A main reason castles were constructed on a hill top was for looking out to see if invaders were coming, the strategy for water was so invaders would not attack; me personally I would put boats in the moat therefore I could attack, but that’s just me. One castle constructed in medieval times was said to have taken 400 masons, 2000 laborer, 30 smiths, and 200 carters; there wasn’t even enough room for the castle either because they then had to destroy many homes in order for the castle to fit, if my home was being destroyed I would be so angry.
  There were many tools used to construct castles probably because there was a lot of workers who worked on the large structures. Castles being built was very dependent of the weather because if it was cold and snowy usually they would call the day off for building. Walls surrounding the castle could be about 20- 45 ft tall and 7- 20 feet wide, they must have been HUGE! You could say that castles grew because they got about 8-10 feet taller every year from added construction. The most important thing about constructing a castle was having money.

Work Cited

Gravett, Christopher. Castle. London: Dorling Kindersiey, 1994. Print. Eyewitness Books.
O'Neal, Michael J. "Architecture in Medieval Europe." Ancient and Medieval History Online. Facts On File News Services, 2008. Web. 12 May 2011.
Salley, Victoria. Castles and Knights. Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2001. Print.

Would you want to work in castle, if yes what job; if no state why?

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Who worked in the castle?

 Castles were really big so you might make the assumption that they had a lot of people who worked at them in order to keep them looking nice and keep others in the town happy. A few workers at the castle were; the constable, who looked after all of the buildings in the castle. A Marshall who looked after all the animals held at the castle, many servants worked at the castle, the Chamberlin was the head chef a prepared most foods served, and a steward who looked and advised the finances. Slaves and maids who worked at the castle had separate buildings on the peremesis of the grounds in order for them to be close when needed, which I thought was a very interesting idea.
   The chefs had one of the most important jobs of preparing food because they also stored a lot of food and I said earlier the 3-6 month supply of food was just in case of a siege occurring on the castle. Now you might be wondering that seems like a lot of people for on building and yes that is true, there was about 100+ people that worked or held a job at the castle.